President & CEO Message

President & CEO Message

As I begin to write this year-end message, I think about the whole world that is inflicted with the COVID-19 virus. With over 95% of our employees working from home, we are dedicated to providing the best facilities and services to our customers. With the changing economy due to Coronavirus, we have redesigned our procedures, making sure that the latest digital technology is used to help our customers stay connected with us throughout this challenging time. It is without any doubt a unique and difficult time for all of us, and it remains doubtful as to when everything is going to get back to normal. With a massive decline in businesses, shortage of food, medicine, and medical equipment, the whole world is fighting an unseen enemy and doing its best to survive.COVID-19 has taken many lives and opportunities away from us. Some were planning to start a new family while others were laying the foundation for their new business with heavy investments that all went in a loss. It is a dark time worldwide but let me assure you this: I am proud to announce that my employees have been working day and night to make sure that all our customers of the Cocktail International are being handled carefully. As I believe in lifting the minorities and supporting youth through my group of companies, I promise to deliver my services in an improved and authentic way. With Cocktail International, nobody will be left behind. This goes for all my employees and other staff as well. I feel pride in telling you that we have extended our hands as far as we could to reach out to everyone. With our resources and qualified professionals, I can guarantee that there won’t be any massive changes in the way this Group treats its employees and customers. There will be no reduction in the services offered as we are operating just like before. Thanks to the latest technology and social media that has become an important means of communication in times where physical meetings are not recommended. I fulfill the needs of my clients and address the issues of the company with social distancing and complete measures given by the World Health Organization. Although we have managed to battle COVID-19 successfully the escalation of the virus in March affected some of the companies and limited their performance for some time. Some of the companies in our group were included in this list. But with the help of my staff and support of my clients, I feel happy to say that we made it through the rough patch and kept our pace slow and steady until we were completely stable. And we have used different strategies to keep this effect consistent in 2020-21. I feel moved to see how the industry and our consumers areresponding to these challenging times with resilience, optimism, and ingenuity. Cocktail International is 100% focused on the management and operation of the associate companies. We promise to support our customers with whatever resources and services we have to offer in these times of difficulty. We celebrated our (#) anniversary this year and took it as a great opportunity to reflect on the history of our organization as well as analyzing the plans for the future. We jumped on an aspiring effort of rebranding to express the root of our work – what we do and why we do it. And that’s exactly how we found out the desire to be of assistance to our customers and be successful in the process. The result of this thorough reflection and consultation with our staff and clients is our recent tagline: Imagine. Work. Make it happen. Looking ahead to our strategy as of 2020-21, our focus remains on expanding our assistance to small and medium- sized businesses as well as a youth through our group of companies. Due to the current unexpected conditions of the economy due to the pandemic, we have improvised effective strategies that will help us get through with guaranteed results and satisfaction of our customers. We intend to be there for the industry as well as our customers. We ensure to stay true to our tagline as we continue to imagine, work, and make it happen.